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Polyglot Language Services
Polyglot Language Services
Job search training in English for job seekers
Job search training in English for job seekers

30 online lessons via with an experienced, qualified tutor from the UK
Let me help you get that dream job!
I can train you step-by-step on how to
write effective application letters,
create an eye catching CV,
respond confidently to difficult interview questions
create an eye catching CV,
respond confidently to difficult interview questions
and much more...
By the end of this 30 hour Job Search course you will be able to
By the end of this 30 hour Job Search course you will be able to
identify your personal interests, skills and values,
market yourself in English,
analyse and interpret English job advertisements,
differentiate between chronological and functional CVs,
understand and use “action” verbs,
prepare “eye catching” chronological and functional CVs in English,
write effective job application letters/emails in English,
approach an English job interview with more confidence,
identify job interview formats and evaluation methods,
understand and respond to typical English job interview questions
market yourself in English,
analyse and interpret English job advertisements,
differentiate between chronological and functional CVs,
understand and use “action” verbs,
prepare “eye catching” chronological and functional CVs in English,
write effective job application letters/emails in English,
approach an English job interview with more confidence,
identify job interview formats and evaluation methods,
understand and respond to typical English job interview questions
and much more...
For further information contact us today!
Polyglot Language Services, LLC
10685-B Hazelhurst Dr. #11322
Houston, Tx 77043
Skype: polyglotlanguageservices

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